A daily mindfulness practice helps us find happiness and peace in our lives. Mindful eating is a simple way to begin. Follow one of these exercises for one meal a day and find your way to increased energy, elevated mood, and less stress.

Breathe into your heart

Put your phone away. Turn off your computer. Remove any distractions.

Sit down with your meal. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your stomach. Take ten deep breaths. Feel your ribcage and stomach rise and fall. Notice what hunger feels like. Don’t judge the feeling, just be aware of it.

Slowly eat your meal, noting the flavor and texture of every mouthful. When you finish your meal, close your eyes. Return your hands to your heart and stomach.

Take ten more deep breaths. Notice how being satisfied feels. Be aware of the energy moving through you. Thank yourself for nourishing your body with food and breath.

The Meal’s Journey

Put your phone away. Turn off your computer. Remove any distractions.

Sit down. Bring your attention to your meal. Think about the work put into creating it. From the farmers who grew and picked the produce, to the chefs who combined the ingredients, to the courier who delivered it to you. Feel gratitude for all this effort.

Notice how this thankfulness expresses itself through your body. Close your eyes. Take ten deep breaths and focus on your mantra: “I am grateful.”

When you finish your meal, close your eyes. Guide your focus back to your mantra as you take five more deep inhales and five more deep exhales.

Take a Breath

Put your phone away. Turn off your computer. Remove any distractions.

Sit down with your meal. Close your eyes. Inhale deeply. Take in the meal’s aromas. Exhale.

Pick up your fork or spoon. Inhale as the food comes closer to your face and the aroma intensifies. Exhale. Eat a mouthful. Put down your fork or spoon.

As you inhale, focus on how the meal smells. As you exhale, shake your head and relax your shoulders to release tension.

Take a breath between every mouthful. Use the meal’s aroma as a prompt to come back to your cleansing, nourishing breath.

All it takes is 15 minutes a day to transform sometimes precarious eating habits into steadfast routines. You’ll soon notice the benefits in both your physical and mental health.