Beauty is holistic: it’s the energy that glows within us, and the energy we put out into the world. It’s what we put in our body and on it.

To enhance our beauty energy, we need to release what no longer serves us. We habitually add items, activities, beliefs, and routines to our lives until they’re overflowing. Releasing something brings us more space, more freedom, and more energy. We’ve spoken with our Spoon Crew — our team, our friends, and some of our favorite wellness gurus — to discover what they’re releasing.

This week, fitness and health fanatic, Alyssa Brieloff, shares what she’s letting go and why.

The Physical

What physical item are you throwing away?

I’m in the process of moving and have purged lots of clothes and skincare items that were taking up too much space. I donated my clothes to Goodwill, which I like to do seasonally. I’m trying to minimize my beauty routine, as my esthetician has encouraged me that less is more. I want to have a more minimalist approach in my new apartment, so I’m only bringing items I truly feel I need.

The Expectation

What expectation that you put on yourself are you letting go?

My fear of the unknown. In 2017 I finally launched my blog, The Zen Tribe, after almost a year of thinking about it. I was unsure if people would be receptive to it! In 2018, I’m focusing on trying new adventures and experiences which will help me grow as a blogger.

I’m also trying to be more present, and to stop worrying about the future. I want to live each day with gratitude.

The Habit

What long-lasting habit or movement are you stopping?

Sugar consumption. I’m doing a 21 day cleanse to reset my body and detox from sugar and gluten. I hope this will stop my unnecessary sugar cravings. Splendid Spoon is helping me, of course!

The Visual

What image or picture makes you feel beautiful, and why?

This photo of me and my boyfriend in Barcelona. It shows our love for travel. We took a cab across the city and hiked 20 minutes up to the top of the Bunkers. The cliff was filled with people from all of the world, different cultures, groups of friends, and couples all sharing the beautiful view of the city. We were honoring my grandfather, who passed away a year ago, and whose dream was to visit Barcelona.