Fridge Voyeur is a virtual visit into the chill zone of the Spoon Crew — our team, our friends, and some of your favorite wellness gurus. We may eat a lot of soup and stews, but there’s a whole lot of variety, and a little bit of naughty, going on behind closed doors. We know you want a peek ;)

This week, we’re peeking into the fridge of one of Splendid Spoon’s favorite artists, and designer of our soon-to-be-released packaging, Camilla Marie Dahl.

Splendid Spoon: Hey Camilla! Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Camilla: I’m a fine artist currently living in Queens, NY. I work with the female form in both oil painting and bronze sculpture. I graduated from Skidmore College this past May, and since then I’ve been working full-time as an artist. I also love to cook, and have recently delved into the world of vegan baking.

SS: What are the 5 staples you can’t live without?
CD: Avocados, chai tea, speculoos spread, almond milk, and olive oil.

SS: What’s the weirdest thing in your fridge?
CD: Kimchi. Lots of kimchi. My boyfriend recently started making it in bulk. [Home-fermented kimchi is definitely a Fridge Voyeur first — Ed.]

SS: What’s your fave sweet and what’s your fave savory?
CD: My favorite sweet is speculoos spread. If you haven’t tried it, you must. And, shockingly, it’s vegan. My favorite savory is curry (any kind, as long as it’s not too spicy!).

SS: If you were one thing in your fridge, what would it be?
CD: Tofu. I’m super adaptable to my surroundings. [Tofu will hereafter be referred to as the chameleon of the food world — Ed.]

SS: What food do you turn to when you want something comforting or nostalgic? Although we eat to keep our bodies strong and healthy, food also connects us to our past, to friends, and to different times in our lives.
CD: Annie’s Mac and Cheese. Even though I’m predominantly vegan now, I do crave a bowl of childhood every now and then.