We made you breakfast. You have more morning time. Preserve this new space, and use it to start your day grounded. As you sip on your Splendid smoothie, follow these simple mindful eating tips to nourish body and mind.

Blueberry Coconut Smoothie

Use the smoothie’s bright purple color as a prompt to focus on your senses. Whether you’re walking or sitting down, pause, close your eyes, smell the smoothie, and taste it. Since you’ve already appreciated its color, momentarily remove vision from this experience. This will heighten your other senses and allow you to focus on being present.

Cashew Banana Smoothie

Express gratitude for yourself as you enjoy this silky, satisfying smoothie. Use the time where you would have been scrambling to make breakfast to state one thing you’re grateful for. This gratitude practice helps us feel happier and calmer.

Cacao Almond Smoothie

Use the chunks of cacao nibs as a tool to slow down and be present. When sipping this smoothie, engage with your environment. Take note of where you are and what you can hear. Notice your surroundings, but don’t judge them. Now focus on how you feel. Write it down! Mornings are the best time to journal: slow down, write down your emotions, and allow them to wash over you.

Almond Kale Smoothie

The vanilla in this smoothie brings an element of sweetness. Use this aroma as a reminder to focus on your breath. Whenever you smell the smoothie, notice your breath, and use it as a tool to settle and center. Just one deep breath can be miraculously cleansing.

Don’t use the extra time Splendid Breakfasts have created in your mornings to check off another to-do. Take a moment for yourself, even it’s just to take one deep breath. Slow down, nourish yourself, and notice how much calmer your day is.