There is no better time but morning to shape your day.

Its an opportunity to start fresh, to set intentions, and to put your actions into motion. Start your morning off right, and you’re on the path to success. Inspired by our very own, Rene Lozzi, We’re sharing with you a no-fail recipe to make your morning count. Every morning, start by identifying the following:

3 things you’re grateful for…

No matter how big or how small, we all have something we are thankful for. Keeping in touch with the things you value most will help to keep you grounded throughout your day.

3 things you want to accomplish in the day…

Set yourself a goal with the confidence to achieve. Put it in writing, as this makes you more likely to achieve your goal.

1 affirmation for the day…

Be positive. Recognize of what you are capable and let it empower you. If you need some inspiration, check out the weekly mantras and movements featured the phases on the Splendid Self page. Don’t worry about which week you’re in. Pick a mantra that suits you best for the moment.

Carry these thoughts with you and allow them to guide you throughout your day!